No, here I don’t want to provide special guidance on inviting at queer tango : – )
Actually this is by no means necessary because inviting with mirada and cabeceo works exactly the same way between men as inviting between men and women or for the sake of completeness, between women and women.
What I would like to suggest to all men, or whoever takes on the role of the leader, is something different.
I want to describe something that often happens to me (but certainly not only to me) at milongas.
The tanda has already started, I dance nicely with my lady along the edge of the dance floor, I see that I have space, I just want to take a bigger, lively step …
Suddenly another couple shoots onto the dance floor in front of me.
Like a truck driving out of a courtyard at full throttle, regardless of losses. Without looking to see if someone is coming, without looking to see if someone might get in their way.
I have to stop my lady abruptly and can be happy if I can get her to safety in good time.
It becomes completely critical when the couple behind me pushes forward lively and suddenly stands on my heels.
The couple who jostled themselves onto the dance floor in front of me did not notice anything and probably will not notice anything in many other situations either.
Of course, this doesn’t contribute to harmony on the dance floor.
Yet it could be so easy.

A quick look at the dance floor and you can see whether there is space or whether you should better wait.
Make eye contact. It is quite possible that another dancer will give you the right of way.
If you lead your lady onto the dance floor first take a look around and see whether there is space, whether another couple is approaching, before entering the dance floor, …
If so, make eye contact with the leader of this couple who, as we all know, is responsible for the navigation. Talk to each other without words by eye contact.
If the leader of the other couple is so absorbed in the music, his thoughts or the cleavage of his dance partner that he doesn´t see anything else, wait until that couple has passed (That ´s safer anyway. You don’t want to dance near a couple, whose leader does not pay attention to the dance flow of the others).

The ladies also appreciate it when their dance partners have control over what is happening on the dance floor and guide them safely.
If there is still little space, try your luck with the next couple. Do not worry! At some point you will be able to safely enter the ronda.
“Mirada y Cabeceo”, or “look and nod”, works not only when asked to dance, but in many other situations in our lives. But only if you don’t run blindly on or across the dance floor or through your entire life.
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