Tango lessons? The first thing we think about when we hear “Tango lesson” is “how to dance Tango”. “How to do the right Tango steps”. But Tango can teach us much more. Discover some of the lessons Tango can teach us on and off the dance floor. And tell us what you think about it.
Stillness in movement. The paradox of Argentine tango
You have to be Argentine to understand tango music! Right?
If you´re looking for an expert for tango music listen to Steve Morrall.
If you have already some experience in dancing Argentine tango you might like to read Steve Morrall´s article “Stillness in movement”.
Steve Morrall at Villa La Rogaia, Photo: Thomas May
Steve is a tango teacher and musician, whith an almost infinite knowledge about musicality in playing and dancing tango. He teaches how to significantly improve your dancing becoming a dancer who really listens to the music and to bring it from your ears right into your legs.
If you want to become a better tango dancer take my advice.
Joseba and Bakartxo dancing at Palazzo della Corgna, Tango Video
Joseba and Bakartxo have been to Villa La Rogaia many times. They are excellent Tango dancers and teachers.
Here they perform in the beautiful settings of Palazzo della Corgna in Citta della Pieve, Umbria, Italy, where we brought them together with the participants of their Tango workshop at Villa La Rogaia.
Enjoy their relaxed, elegant style of dancing.
Joseba and Bakartxo are not only superb dancers but also excellent tango teachers. They will be back for a Tango workshop at Villa La Rogaia September 5 to September 12, 2015.
Yes, of course we should listen, but somtimes it is helpful to watch them perform to get a better understanding of the music.
Look, as tango dancers we are part of the orchestra, “We paint the music with our feet.” – as Carlos Gavito says.
I might add: We paint the music as well with our posture, our expression with our way to communicate with our dance partner and the other dancers.
Therefore we must be aware what happens, when an orchestra performs. We must understand which instruments are playing, which are staying silent. We must learn to recognise the little surprises the orchestra has prepared for us dancers. Surprises that make our dance richer, more interesting. – If we notice and dance them.
So here are two examples of Juan D´Arienzo conducting his orchestra. You can see which instruments are in the focus, which instruments add energy and power to the music. But be also aware of the pauses, the “moments of stillness” as Steve Morrall calls them.
First is “Loca”
And here the world´s most famous tango “La Cumparsita”. Enjoy the energy and playfulness of “El rey del compas”, “The king of the rhythm”.
Thoughts by tango teacher and musician Steve Morrall about dancing tangos from Osvaldo Pugliese
Steve and Debbie Morrall two excellent tango dancers and teachers who will reveal to you the secrets of beautifully dancing with the music
Some days ago my friend Steve Morrall who is one of the tango teachers I appreciate most, posted his notes about one of their musicality workshops at Bramshaw, England on Facebook.
I think these notes are a must-read for everybody who wants to understand dancing Argentine Tango and specially dancing tangos by Pugliese.
Tango Elegante! Filippo Avignonesi and Candela Ramos dance to “Esta Noche de Luna”, Tango video
As you see they are very elegant dancers with great feeling for musicality.
Apart of that they are excellent Tango teachers. Something unfortunately you can not take for granted, for all Tango dancers who dance on the same high level
Filippo Avignonesi and Candela Ramos will teach a Tango workshop for intermediate level at La Rogaia, Easter 2015 . Everything you need to know about this Tango workshop and about Tango holidays at Villa La Rogaia you find here: Tango Holidays with Filippo Avignonesi and Candela Ramos
Here I found a video about the African roots of Argentine Tango.
Which are the origins of “Argentine” Tango?
So Tango historians have different opinions about the question which where the dances and cultures that originated Argentine Tango, it is csafe to say, that Tango had strong African influences. Many of these however where lost in the course of time, or have been adapted to the music and listening habits of European, mainly white, immigrants and the Argentine upper-class influenced by the latter.
In the video the african influences are described briefly.
By the way, the african influences are still more obvious in the milonga and its rhythm patterns and in the rhythmical Tangos.
If you are looking for Tango holidays Easter 2015 you´re in the right place. Villa La Rogaia offers two weeks of Argentine Tango lessons and Italian Dolce Vita.
Tango lessons with Filippo and Candela, Easter 2015. The pure joy of dancing Argentine Tango…
Tango lessons intermediate level with Filippo und Candela
Joseba Pagola and Bakartxo Arabaolaza are among my favourite dancers and Tango teachers. Here they dance the vals “Idilio Trunco” by Alberto Castillo.
And here a “Bonus” video “Sueno Azul” by Osvaldo Fresedo
What I like most about them is their easygoing relaxed way of dancing and their fine humour which makes their Tango workshops an absolutely agreeable experience.